Woman smiling with Dog

When it comes to maintaining muscle health, stretching is often the star of the show. It’s the go-to recommendation for improving flexibility, reducing muscle tension, and preventing injuries. However, while stretching is crucial, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. For comprehensive muscle health, you need to balance stretching with strengthening exercises, aerobic activities, a … Read more

Stretching Couple

The lower back, or lumbar region, is a critical area for maintaining overall spinal health and functionality. Among its various components, the L5-S1 lumbar facet joints, also known as zygapophysial joints or Z-joints, play a crucial role in stabilizing the spine and supporting movement. The L5-S1 facet joints are located at the junction between the … Read more

Man Working Out Drinking Water

Well, here we are, heading into July and that Michigan heat! And with these elevated temperatures, it’s important to remember to keep up with your water intake. Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal muscle health and enhancing performance during physical activities. When you’re properly hydrated, your muscles are better equipped to receive essential … Read more

Woman Stretching

Flexibility is a crucial yet often overlooked component of overall fitness and well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete aiming to improve performance or someone seeking better mobility for daily activities, the journey to increased flexibility is both individual and rewarding. The timeline for improving flexibility varies widely among individuals. For some, noticeable improvements can be … Read more

Man Squatting with Weight on Back

As we journey through life, our bodies undergo inevitable changes, especially as we age. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the gradual loss of muscle mass and strength. The decline begins as early as our third decade but accelerates as we enter our golden years. However, amidst this natural progression, there lies a potent weapon: … Read more

Man Doing Shoulder Press with Weights

I myself try to go to the gym three days a week. With work, kids, household tasks, et cetera, it can be difficult to maintain the schedule and commitment. I have good days at the gym. But I also have ‘bad’ days at the gym. But, I tell myself, something is better than nothing. Here … Read more

Woman Stretching

Our bodies are intricate marvels, capable of enduring the daily rigors of life. However, factors like age, wear and tear, as well as various traumas, whether micro or macro, can gradually erode our ability to cope with these stresses. Paul Carlesimo, DPT, OMPT, with Michigan Stretch Therapy, sheds light on the force analysis of our … Read more

Doctor with Patient

While partner-assisted stretch therapy shares similarities with physical therapy, there are key differences between the two: Partner-Assisted Stretch Therapy: A Solution for All Ages To counteract the negative impacts of prolonged sitting and promote overall well-being, many individuals are turning to partner-assisted stretch therapy. This form of therapy involves a trained professional assisting clients in … Read more

Men Sitting At Computers

In the fast-paced world we live in today, the prevalence of jobs that require long hours of sitting has become increasingly common. Many of us find ourselves tethered to desks, staring at computer screens for a significant portion of our day. Unfortunately, the sedentary nature of our work environments comes with a host of adverse … Read more